all postcodes in CO9 / HALSTEAD

find any address or company within the CO9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO9 4AA 3 0 52.045581 0.509411
CO9 4AB 7 0 52.055686 0.51291
CO9 4AD 3 0 52.056339 0.513939
CO9 4AE 8 0 52.056805 0.513994
CO9 4AF 6 0 52.057149 0.51308
CO9 4AG 6 0 52.053735 0.521757
CO9 4AH 2 1 52.055774 0.506876
CO9 4AJ 6 0 52.058214 0.512891
CO9 4AP 5 0 52.042288 0.489175
CO9 4BB 15 6 52.057628 0.490101
CO9 4BD 4 0 52.055748 0.492214
CO9 4BE 4 0 52.054966 0.491382
CO9 4BG 5 0 52.052276 0.487571
CO9 4BH 5 0 52.041726 0.487248
CO9 4BN 5 0 52.041098 0.486324
CO9 4BJ 12 1 52.042278 0.487906
CO9 4BL 2 0 52.04171 0.486853
CO9 4BP 6 0 52.040117 0.477418
CO9 4BS 4 0 52.060121 0.488722
CO9 4BT 2 0 52.027403 0.46928